July – September 2023
Changing direction
After the publication of the PLOS ONE article in June, on the structures of FtFBPases and their implications for the enzymatic mechanism of the entire Class II of FBPases, other scientific issues at the Institute for Tuberculosis Research at UIC have occupied my mind.
I was working with the team in completing the integration of the data depository for the group in the CDD vault with other Drug Discovery tools such as StarDropTM . The current software tools allow the seamless communication between the two, and permitting the full exploitation of their complementary approaches and tools for efficient drug discovery.
All of this is driven by my conviction that ‘SAR Tables’ are obsolete in guiding drug discovery projects, and need to be complemented (or even replaced) by visual representations using ‘alternative variables’ from the traditional affinity-only related parameters (i.e. Ki, IC50, KD). Consult the Research related tabs in this website for further details.
A significant amount of effort was also devoted to develop this updated version of the previous website that was more than eleven years old. Obviously, significant changes have taken place in software for the building and development of websites and it was time to upgrade. I am hoping that using this new platform would result in a more dynamic website that will permit more flexible and expedient updates.
Thank you for visiting.