Entries by Cele Abad-Zapatero

Diffraction is not only for Crystals and X-rays

As should be apparent from the entries, comments and illustrations on this website, central to modern crystallography is the phenomenon of ‘diffraction’ of X-rays by crystals. It is the critical experimental observation in crystallography. Now, I would like to present a brief blog commentary to highlight the fact that the ‘diffraction’ effect is NOT only […]

Louis Vuitton’s Two Dimensional Crystal

Summary: Symmetrical motifs are used in a whimsical way by the world of fashion to convey subliminal messages. The fashion world may not be familiar with the scientific notion of ‘symmetry’. Yet, the most dominant concept in most of their endeavor revolves around the ‘left-and-right’ repetition dominant in the human body. Each and every human […]

Passing the Torch

One of the pleasures of growing older and ‘respectable’ in the scientific community is the opportunity of discussing the history of our subjects with the younger generations.  As an enthusiastic crystallographer  and scientist, I do like very much to pass the torch to the upcoming generations of fresh  students to give them a sense of […]

The Crystallized Melon of St. Elijah

I cannot resist writing a concise  commentary and discussion of a brief article by Prof. Juan Manuel García Ruíz  (Research Professor at the CSIC in Granada, Spain) in a recent issue of the widely read Spanish Newspaper ‘El País’. His focus is a purported melon that was petrified by the Prophet Saint Elijah, in response […]

Crystallography on Stage: Presenting the Concepts and History Dramatically

The meeting of the International Year of Crystallography in Montreal (IUCr2014 23rd Congress), Aug. 5-12, 2014 was an excellent opportunity to meet with friends and fellow crystallographers from all over the world. It was also an unique opportunity to be exposed to the latest developments of crystallography and crystal science in the broadest sense of […]

D-Day and Crystallography

The events of June 6, 1944 and the ending  of WWII in the European front are all very well known. The press and  the electronic media will cover them in detail. However, in the context of the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014) what is less known is the personal connection between the planning of the […]

The Ballad of the 2.8 Ångstroms Structure of SBMV

The celebration of the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014) has prompted me to remember the celebration of a remarkable achievement of the early years of macromolecular crystallography, just twenty years after the first protein structures  (the two globins: myogoblin and hemoglogin) were solved. I was the fortunate participant in that singular event and inspired by […]