January – May 2020
Our article on the structure of ClpC1-NTD bound to the natural cyclopeptide inhibitor Ecumicin was accepted and published recently in Acta Crystallographica D. The structure documents a unique mode of binding of this potent anti-TB agent to the N-terminal domain of its target, ClpC1. The article has been published as an open access publication. The full citation is: Wolf et al. (2020) Acta Crystallographica, D76, 458-471. There are several structures in the Protein Data Bank related to this publication, most importantly: 6pbs. This one corresponds to the structure of the ClpC1-NTD-Ecumicin complex. Access to the online version can be found at the following link: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2059798320004027. PDF
The CovID19 pandemic has affected all of our activities, personal and professional, certainly in unexpected ways. Fortunately, the research and scholarly activities at UIC in general and the ITR center in particular have continued and I would like to highlight a major milestone related to results that I had announced a few months ago.