January – March 2022
Presentation at the Pharma R&D 2022, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 22-24.
An invited in person lecture was presented at the Pharma R&D 2022 Conference, San Francisco, CA on the recent publication in Expert Opinion in Drug Discovery (EODD) (see below for details, January-March 2021). The presentation expanded on the brief EODD article giving some background. The visual content of the presentation is available as a PDF.
A significant publication in Acta Crystallographica D. The essay highlights the importance of combining more traditional visual tools (e.g. precession photographs) with the integrated methods of structure solution to better understand crystallographic results.
New paper published: Acta Cryst. (2022). D78, 260-267:
Notes of a protein crystallographer: the advantages of combining new integrated methods of structure solution with traditional data visuals.
The streamlined crystallographic software tools for solving macromolecular crystal structures should be complemented with the visual aids that were used in the past (for example precession images and stereographic projections) to facilitate better understanding of the basic crystallographic concepts by younger aspiring crystallographers.
Pseudo precession images of the crystallographic data for an R3 space group crystal showing the h,k,1 and h,k,0 plane (left, right respectively). These images show the value of the traditional precession images to characterize the space group: Left only 3-fold symmetry vs. right 6-fold symmetry. These patterns are diagnostic of the rhombohedral Space Group R3.