Ligand Efficiency Indices for Effective Drug Discovery: a unifying vector formulation

An update on the concept of Ligand Efficiency Indices (LEIs) — The early workflow based on ‘Efficiency Indices’ has been recently updated in a recent review published in Expert Opinion in Drug Discovery where a unifying LEIs formulation has been suggested. A review with the title Ligand Efficiency Indices for Effective Drug Discovery: a unifying vector formulation provides further details. The ideas presented have been developing since 2007 and growing from the early definitions of SEI, BEI, to a unifying vector formulation where SEI, BEI are the x and y components (respectively), of a Ligand Efficiency vector named vLEI (bold denotes vector). Details can be found in the recently published paper that can be found also in the ‘AtlasCBS’ and ‘News’ tabs.

Software and Techniques for Bio-Molecular Modeling

A chapter in a book entitled ‘Software and Techniques for Bio-Molecular Modeling’ edited by Dr. Azat Mukhametov and published by the Austin Publishing Group. This book is an interesting new addition to the references of techniques, concepts and software in molecular modeling for drug discovery. Chapter 2 describes the lates developments on the AtlasCBS concept, in particular the use of KNIME workflows to produce atlas-like plots and planes using simple KNIME modules.

Ligand Efficiency Indices for Drug Discovery: Towards an Atlas-Guided Paradigm

The purpose of Ligand Efficiency Indices for Drug Discovery: Towards an Atlas-Guided Paradigm is to introduce in a concise and self-contained form the concepts, ideas, applications and examples of efficiency-driven drug discovery to the biomedical community at large. The book emphasizes the use of ‘new variables’ and more objective numerical methods to drive drug discovery in an encompassing way. These ‘new variables’ are based on Ligand Efficiency Indices (LEIs) formulated in a way that permits mapping Chemico-Biological Space (CBS) in an Atlas-like representation. It provides a practical and timely discussion of the concepts, ideas, applications and examples of efficiency-driven drug discovery. This book emphasizes the use of a graphical representation and objective numerical methods to drive drug discovery more effectively. It presents the definition of LEIs and the corresponding efficiency planes within an atlas-like environment to provide a robust graphical and numerical framework for medicinal chemists and drug-discoverers.